Sharing 1 external drive between a workstation and a laptop

I support a user who works remotely and syncs files via Boxifier and Dropbox to their external drive. They have asked whether they can use Boxifier with this same external hard drive attached to a laptop for when they travel.

So to break down the request. 1 External hard drive will be sync’d from a desktop computer with dropbox via boxifier and then the external drive will be used with boxifier and dropbox attached to a laptop without the need of re-syncing anything.

Can this be done, and if so, what steps are need to set this up so that neither machine attempts to resync the entire dropbox store?


Any updates on how I can make this work?

Does that mean that they will be using the laptop just to access the external drive, without any need to sync those changes to Dropbox? If I got this right, the changes would later be synced to Dropbox by the desktop computer, when the external drive is reconnected. Is this the scenario that you have in mind?

No. The hope would be that they could sync the same drive both when they are traveling with the laptop, as well as when they are sitting at the workstation.
