I’ve mapped 2 folders on my NAS as P Drive and Q drive respectively on my laptop. In Windows, they show up under Network Locations as P & Q (with their associated IP addresses).
However, when I right click on them to add them in order to Dropbox via Boxifier, the “Boxifier - Sync with Dropbox” option doesn’t appear. What am I doing wrong?
Hi Tim,
For the moment you can right-click on folders from network shares and network drives, but the menu does not appear for the root folder of a mapped drive. We are working on an update which will make the option also show up for the root of a mapped drive.
Thank you for adding your vote for this request.
To get around this issue I mapped the NAS to a newly mapped root directory I created so my subdirectories appeared as folders rather than as network drives.
Solution explained well here: http://forum.qnap.com/viewtopic.php?f=189&t=54682
by ReedMikel towards bottom of the page.
Hi Bogdan ,
I have Boxifier instaled on my PC which is networked with NAS drive , most of the time Files on NAS do no get synched unless i pause Synching in Dropbox and Resume it , is there any way can this done without pausing and resuming Dropbox.
Yes, an update which improves this should be released soon. Our team is currently working on this one.
I will write back here once the update is ready. Stay tuned
Could you please share the model of your NAS drive? Some NAS drives are known to have issues with their software but we are constantly improving Boxifier to take care of those as well.
Thank for the reply ,
it is Synology DiskStation DS214