If you are using Windows XP and your Dropbox got updated to 3.10.7 then you will notice that the Dropbox shell extension, icons and context menus don’t work anymore. This is caused by the Dropbox shell extension trying to use a Windows feature which is only available starting with Windows Vista.
When Boxifier starts on Windows XP you might get an error message saying:
Procedure entry point GetNamePipeServerProcessID could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll.
This is because Boxifier tries to load the Dropbox shell extension, which fails because the Dropbox shell extension DLL references a missing feature.
We are working on a workaround for this so that future versions of Boxifier will no longer be affected by this bug in the Dropbox shell extension.
If you have any questions please get in touch by e-mail: team at boxifier dot com.