I need boxifier specifically to back up a large number of photos from an external drive to dropbox; when I tried doing it without boxifier it nearly crashed my hard drive because it used up all the memory and was not even halfway through. I created a folder in the boxifier folder to save to, but it still appears to be saving to the dropbox folder on my computer and using up the computer memory. How do I set it up to avoid this? (I used the directions from a previous post in the forum from Oct of 2014 so far, which don’t appear to be working correctly).
Hi Rebecca,
Syncing a folder from the external drive does not take space in your Boxifier folder on the computer where Boxifier is installed. Setting it up is easy: just right-click on the folder and choose “Boxifier - Sync with Dropbox”.
If you go to the “Boxifier” subfolder inside the Dropbox folder on your computer, all you should see are shortcuts to the folders you are syncing, but no folders. The shortcuts are placed there by Boxifier just as placeholders (so that you don’t just see an empty folder), but they are not needed for the sync process and these shortcut files are not synced, but the actual folders.
Do you have anything else other than the shortcut files I just mentioned in the “Boxifier” folder on your computer?