Command Line options to create update remove a syncing folder

It would be excellent if the feature sets available are also supported via application command line (or any other automate able method)
And possibly some extras if you are able to detect things like (IS_UP_TO_DATE)

I can see where the requirement to enable and disable syncing folders will become part of backup routines.

– I could use the IS_UP_TO_DATE as well in the following –

I worked out a quick and dirty but powerful backup system of the dropbox content as follows…

Assume all content to backup exist in \dropbox\mainfolder
A local symlink folder is created @ \dropbox\backups{date} aka \dropbox\backups\2014-10-22 this folder points to \dropbox\mainfolder
DB sync this folder at speed due to all content already being in the cloud already.
Following the completion of the sync *(IS_UP_TO_DATE could be used here), that folder is then erased which in turn erases the content on dropbox.
And thats ok as we have Packrat, so a whole file by file image exists in a dated folder.

If Boxifier could perform the sync external folder, I would create the symlink folder external to \dropbox, link it in with boxifier, and then breach that link leaving the backup copies still in existence in the cloud, while this would fill the account quickly, It would be better to have a few backups as existing files over deleted ones, something we could not manage in an automated way, but Boxifier gets us one huge leap towards it.

This is doable, but before breaching the link it requires unchecking the folder from the selective sync settings of the Dropbox desktop client. Otherwise, breaching the link by removing the folder from the Boxifier app (or from the right-click context menu in Windows Explorer) removes that folder from Dropbox.