Change Dropbox Accounts

I have 2 Dropbox accounts, i personal (2 GB) and one business (2 TB). Boxifier is only allowing me to choose Sync with Dropbox (personal). How do I tell it to Sync with Dropbox (Company Name)?

Did you link your personal account with your business account?
Do you have two Dropbox folders on your computer?

If so, then Boxifier should detect your both Dropbox folders and give you the option to sync with your Dropbox for business account.

After rebooting my machine, then Boxifier only saw the business folder.
Next I opened both folders and closed both folders and now Boxifier sees both Dropbox folders…

After rebooting it might take some time before Dropbox finishes indexing both your personal folder and your business folder.

That is why you have that delay before the “Boxifier - Sync with Dropbox” option becomes available.