Cannot add folder to Boxifier name is already in use with error ”E850004B"

Hi, after a problem with a sync of 800GB with dropbox, we start from scratch.

I have removed the boxifier content in dropbox, Uninstalled boxifier, when a try to link a folder with Boxifier this seems to remember the folder name.

How can I start from scratch with boxifier?

Thanks a lot.

I have the same problem. I get the same “EB850004B” error. I have uninstalled Boxifier and reinstalled and it is still the same.

I have now found the earlier forum entry about error E850004B, followed the instructions there, and it now works fine!

In my case, I have renamed the subfolders in Dropbox Boxifier folder and then remove from boxifier and add with the new name.
This has been my workaround.